Automatic Payment

Man and two children on lawn with ipad

Life Gets Busy. Never Forget a Payment!

Sign up for pre-authorized automatic payment and your monthly payment will automatically be withdrawn from your bank account. Save time, postage costs and cheque processing fees, plus enjoy peace of mind knowing that your payment will always be made on time - even if you are busy or away.

There are two plans to choose from:

Basic Payment Plan

Sign up for automated payment and select the Basic Payment Plan option. We'll automatically deduct your payment from your bank account or other financial institution once per month on the date it is due.

Sign up for Automatic Payment today and select the
Basic Payment Plan option

Other ways to sign up for the Basic Payment Plan
  1. Call our Customer Service Department at 519-822-3010 to obtain a hard copy form.
  2. Submit form
  • By email - Scan and email the completed form with a voided cheque to our Customer Service Department
  • By mail - Mail the completed form with a voided cheque to: Customer Service Department, Guelph Hydro, 395 Southgate Drive, Guelph, ON  N1G 4Y1
  • By fax - Fax completed form with a voided cheque to 519-822-0960

Equal Payment Plan

Sign up for automated payment and select the Equal Payment Plan option. Your payments will be spread out evenly throughout the year for easier budgeting and a more predictable monthly bill. Learn more about Equal Payment Plans.

Sign up for Automatic Payment today and select the Equal Payment Plan option

Other ways to sign up for the Equal Payment Plan
  1. Call our Customer Service Department at 519-822-3010 to obtain a hard copy form.
  2. Submit form
  • By email - Scan and email the completed form with a voided cheque to our Customer Service Department
  • By mail - Mail the completed form with a voided cheque to: Customer Service Department, Guelph Hydro, 395 Southgate Drive, Guelph, ON  N1G 4Y1
  • By fax - Fax completed form with a voided cheque to 519-822-0960

For the ultimate in convenience...

Sign up for ebilling and automatic payment and make life easy. Your bill will arrive by email and will be paid automatically from your bank account under either the Basic Payment Plan or Equal Payment Plan.

As a bonus, we'll give you a one-time $10* credit on your bill.

Registering for paperless ebilling is as easy as 1-2-3.

  1. Login to MyEnergy View. Not yet registered? Register now through MyEnergy View.
  2. Once logged in, click on ebilling options on the left-hand side of the screen.
  3. Select ebilling as your preferred delivery method.

After you enrol online, you will no longer receive a paper bill. Your $10 credit will appear on the fourth bill you receive after registering for ebilling.

Find out more about ebilling today!

* Terms and conditions that apply are posted on the ebilling page.